14لَهُ دَعوَةُ الحَقِّ ۖ وَالَّذينَ يَدعونَ مِن دونِهِ لا يَستَجيبونَ لَهُم بِشَيءٍ إِلّا كَباسِطِ كَفَّيهِ إِلَى الماءِ لِيَبلُغَ فاهُ وَما هُوَ بِبالِغِهِ ۚ وَما دُعاءُ الكافِرينَ إِلّا في ضَلالٍE. H. PalmerOn Him is the call of truth, and those who call on others than Him shall not be answered at all, save as one who stretches out his hand to the water that it may reach his mouth, but it reaches it not! The call of the misbelievers is only in error.