66قالَ لَن أُرسِلَهُ مَعَكُم حَتّىٰ تُؤتونِ مَوثِقًا مِنَ اللَّهِ لَتَأتُنَّني بِهِ إِلّا أَن يُحاطَ بِكُم ۖ فَلَمّا آتَوهُ مَوثِقَهُم قالَ اللَّهُ عَلىٰ ما نَقولُ وَكيلٌE. H. PalmerHe said, 'I will by no means send him with you until you give me a compact from God that ye will surely bring him to me, unless ye be encompassed.' So when they had given him their compact he said, 'God over what ye say has charge.'