66قالَ لَن أُرسِلَهُ مَعَكُم حَتّىٰ تُؤتونِ مَوثِقًا مِنَ اللَّهِ لَتَأتُنَّني بِهِ إِلّا أَن يُحاطَ بِكُم ۖ فَلَمّا آتَوهُ مَوثِقَهُم قالَ اللَّهُ عَلىٰ ما نَقولُ وَكيلٌAisha BewleyHe said, ‘I will not send him out with you until you make a covenant with Allah to bring him home unless you are overwhelmed.’ When they had made their covenant, he said, ‘Allah is Guardian over what we say.’