66قالَ لَن أُرسِلَهُ مَعَكُم حَتّىٰ تُؤتونِ مَوثِقًا مِنَ اللَّهِ لَتَأتُنَّني بِهِ إِلّا أَن يُحاطَ بِكُم ۖ فَلَمّا آتَوهُ مَوثِقَهُم قالَ اللَّهُ عَلىٰ ما نَقولُ وَكيلٌT. B. IrvingHe said: "I will never send him with you until you give me some assurance before God that you will bring him back to me, unless you have been ambushed." When they had given him their pledge, he said: "God is a Trustee for what we say."