65وَلَمّا فَتَحوا مَتاعَهُم وَجَدوا بِضاعَتَهُم رُدَّت إِلَيهِم ۖ قالوا يا أَبانا ما نَبغي ۖ هٰذِهِ بِضاعَتُنا رُدَّت إِلَينا ۖ وَنَميرُ أَهلَنا وَنَحفَظُ أَخانا وَنَزدادُ كَيلَ بَعيرٍ ۖ ذٰلِكَ كَيلٌ يَسيرٌMuhammad QadriSo when they returned to their father, they said, "O our father! The provisions have been denied to us, therefore send our brother with us so that we may bring the provisions, and we will surely protect him."