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Sura 12
Aya 41
يا صاحِبَيِ السِّجنِ أَمّا أَحَدُكُما فَيَسقي رَبَّهُ خَمرًا ۖ وَأَمَّا الآخَرُ فَيُصلَبُ فَتَأكُلُ الطَّيرُ مِن رَأسِهِ ۚ قُضِيَ الأَمرُ الَّذي فيهِ تَستَفتِيانِ

Shabbir Ahmed

"O My prison mates! The first of you will be (restored as) the chief wine butler for the King. The other one (the chief baker of the King) will be crucified and birds will eat off his head. Thus is the case decided about what you ask."