103 Preface وَما أَكثَرُ النّاسِ وَلَو حَرَصتَ بِمُؤمِنينَYusuf AliYet no faith will the greater part of mankind have, however ardently thou dost desire it.1In spite of such an exposition and such a convincing illustration, how few men really have true faith?such a faith as Jacob had in the old story, or Muḥammad the Chosen One had, in the story which was actually unfolding itself on the world’s stage when this Sūra was revealed, shortly before the Hij rah? Al Muṣṭafā’s ardent wish and faith was to save his people and all mankind from the graceless condition of want of faith. But his efforts were flouted, and he had to leave his home and suffer all kinds of persecution; but, tike Joseph, and more than Joseph, he was marked out for great work, which he finally achieved.