93 Preface وَيا قَومِ اعمَلوا عَلىٰ مَكانَتِكُم إِنّي عامِلٌ ۖ سَوفَ تَعلَمونَ مَن يَأتيهِ عَذابٌ يُخزيهِ وَمَن هُوَ كاذِبٌ ۖ وَارتَقِبوا إِنّي مَعَكُم رَقيبٌYusuf Ali“And O my people! Do whatever ye can: I will do (my part):1 Soon will ye know who it is on whom descends the penalty of ignominy; and who is a liar! and watch ye! for I too am watching with you!”2Cf. 6:135 and n. 957, and 11:121.If the wicked will continue to blaspheme and mock, what can the godly say but this?-"Watch and wait! God’s Plan works without fail! I have faith, and I too will watch with you for its fulfilment” Cf. 10:102, and n. 1484.