91قالوا يا شُعَيبُ ما نَفقَهُ كَثيرًا مِمّا تَقولُ وَإِنّا لَنَراكَ فينا ضَعيفًا ۖ وَلَولا رَهطُكَ لَرَجَمناكَ ۖ وَما أَنتَ عَلَينا بِعَزيزٍ(Irfan-ul-Quran)They said: ‘O Shu‘aib, we do not understand most of your talks, and we know you as a weak person in society. And were it not for your family, we would stone you. (This is what we are conceding for, otherwise) you enjoy no respect in our eyes.’