89 Preface وَيا قَومِ لا يَجرِمَنَّكُم شِقاقي أَن يُصيبَكُم مِثلُ ما أَصابَ قَومَ نوحٍ أَو قَومَ هودٍ أَو قَومَ صالِحٍ ۚ وَما قَومُ لوطٍ مِنكُم بِبَعيدٍAli Quli QaraiO my people, do not let your defiance toward me lead you to be visited by the like of what was visited on the people of Noah, or the people of Hūd, or the people of Ṣāliḥ, and the people of Lot are not distant from you.