62قالوا يا صالِحُ قَد كُنتَ فينا مَرجُوًّا قَبلَ هٰذا ۖ أَتَنهانا أَن نَعبُدَ ما يَعبُدُ آباؤُنا وَإِنَّنا لَفي شَكٍّ مِمّا تَدعونا إِلَيهِ مُريبٍM. H. ShakirThey said: O Salih! surely you were one amongst us in whom great expectations were placed before this; do you (now) forbid us from worshipping what our fathers worshipped? And as to that which you call us to, most surely we are in disquieting doubt.