2إِنَّ الإِنسانَ لَفي خُسرٍMir Ahmed AliVerily1 man is in loss!It is needless to go into the details that man amidst innumerable temptations, is always caught in the lust for the satisfaction of his carnal desires, thus under the risk of being easily beguiled by the innumerable and the most powerful and irresistible attractions. And if man, is not on his guard against all the formidable forces of Satan who is ever active to lead man astray, man suffers the loss, the loss of the pleasure of his Lord which is the loss of his own salvation, the loss real. It is said that this is, as well a reference to the taunt of Abu-Jehl and Walid bin Moghaira who said that the Holy Prophet and his followers are the losers for they have abandoned the worship of their ancestral gods and have given up themselves to some one God. This verse clearly addressing the one who holds any such false idea says that he who says that the Holy Prophet and his followers are in a loss, is himself in the loss.