وَلَقَد بَوَّأنا بَني إِسرائيلَ مُبَوَّأَ صِدقٍ وَرَزَقناهُم مِنَ الطَّيِّباتِ فَمَا اختَلَفوا حَتّىٰ جاءَهُمُ العِلمُ ۚ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَقضي بَينَهُم يَومَ القِيامَةِ فيما كانوا فيهِ يَختَلِفونَ
Muhammad Qadri
"What! Now?* Whereas you were disobedient from the start and you were mischievous!" (This was said to Firaun. * Accepting faith at the time of death is of no use.)