35قُل هَل مِن شُرَكائِكُم مَن يَهدي إِلَى الحَقِّ ۚ قُلِ اللَّهُ يَهدي لِلحَقِّ ۗ أَفَمَن يَهدي إِلَى الحَقِّ أَحَقُّ أَن يُتَّبَعَ أَمَّن لا يَهِدّي إِلّا أَن يُهدىٰ ۖ فَما لَكُم كَيفَ تَحكُمونَA. J. ArberrySay: 'Is there any of your associates who guides to the truth?' Say: 'God -- He guides to the truth; and which is worthier to be followed -- He who guides to the truth, or he who guides not unless he is guided? What then ails you, how you judge?'