28وَيَومَ نَحشُرُهُم جَميعًا ثُمَّ نَقولُ لِلَّذينَ أَشرَكوا مَكانَكُم أَنتُم وَشُرَكاؤُكُم ۚ فَزَيَّلنا بَينَهُم ۖ وَقالَ شُرَكاؤُهُم ما كُنتُم إِيّانا تَعبُدونَMuhammad SarwarWe will tell the pagans on the day when every one is resurrected, "Stand with your idols wherever you are." Then We will separate them (from their idols) and their idols will protest against them saying, "You did not worship us.