21وَإِذا أَذَقنَا النّاسَ رَحمَةً مِن بَعدِ ضَرّاءَ مَسَّتهُم إِذا لَهُم مَكرٌ في آياتِنا ۚ قُلِ اللَّهُ أَسرَعُ مَكرًا ۚ إِنَّ رُسُلَنا يَكتُبونَ ما تَمكُرونَSyed V. AhamedAnd then We make Mankind taste of some mercy after pain (and sorrow) has touched them, they start to plot against Our Signs! Say: "Allah! Is swifter to plan." Surely, Our messengers write down all the plots that you make!