13وَلَقَد أَهلَكنَا القُرونَ مِن قَبلِكُم لَمّا ظَلَموا ۙ وَجاءَتهُم رُسُلُهُم بِالبَيِّناتِ وَما كانوا لِيُؤمِنوا ۚ كَذٰلِكَ نَجزِي القَومَ المُجرِمينَ(Irfan-ul-Quran)And indeed before you (also) We destroyed (a number of) communities when they perpetrated injustice. And their Messengers brought to them clear Signs but they would not believe. That is how We punish the evildoers (for their impious behaviour).